Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Opening / Introduction / Kata Pembukaan / Perasmian

Today is the 21st day of Ramadan, 4 days ive already miss my fast coz of fever, diarrhea and the worst is gastric. Hape nk jadi la kn dh tua2 pon x posa or in English, what the matter im not fasting even old already.. hahaha sorry for my bad English. 1st of all, i want to introduce myself, my full name in IC is Mohamad Waiz Abdul Halim, u can call me emmmmm wtever u want but most of my friends call me Waiz or Cobes coz when im in school im the die hard fan of Kurt Cobain. not use to go to clubbing or pub and ive prefer to stay home play CoH ToV rather than go outside make some maksiat or omputih @ english said 'vice'. selua brsaiz 29 pd thun 2008, 31 thun 2009, skg 32. berat saya mmg sgt berat, love coffee sOO much, slalu mnghadapi mslh gassy stomach N diarrhea. xleh mkn megi tp still nk mkn, talented dlm mnipu sbb muka yakin tIme tipu. little bit havoc, quite traditional in term of woman, tack and religion. people says im a good critical tinker. love to eat paprik daging kt kdai gelap sek 8, Shah Alam ngn din (used to eat). smoker, used to be heavy gamer tp DoTA kurg skit la. 16th place in CoH world cyber gamer (WCG) map and skirmish creator. Wat else? ahhh, BSc (Hons) Tourism and Hospitality Management at UiTM Shah Alam, i like history, religion study, event management, gastronomy, cultural n heritage and also tourism research.